SA Headway Original

Kanonbra skyteklumpsystem til tohånds stenger! Lengde: 7,6 - 8,5 m. Fås i flere vekter og densiteter. Brukes sammen med SA Headway tipper -som fås i mange lengder/vekter.

NOK899,00 inkl. mva.


27 gram - 7,6 meter

31 gram - 7,9 meter

35 gram - 8,2 meter

39 gram - 8,5 meter

Two years ago, we came up with the idea of designing a new line system for double-handed rods. In order to gain further insights into the Scandinavian market and the needs of Scandinavian salmon fishermen, we started out by interviewing a series of Scandinavian fly tackle stores. In doing so, we learned more about how to improve and optimize existing line ranges in the market. Full of input and enthusiasm, we then sat down and designed the first prototypes. During the development and testing phases, we teamed up with some of the most experienced salmon fly fishermen, fly casters, and tackle store representatives in Norway. We’re proud to say that the resulting line- and tip range is the most thoroughly tested and fine-tuned line range we’ve ever designed for Scientific Anglers. The lines and tips perform equally well for the beginner and the expert no matter what modern high-modulus double-hander you might chose to cast.